Database Migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL

NOTE:ZENworks no longer supports Windows Server as a Primary Server from version 24.2 onwards. For more information, see End of Support Windows Primary Server.

The Database Migration tool can be used to migrate the ZENworks zone with the Oracle database to a zone which uses PostgreSQL. Using the tool, you can either migrate to an Embedded PostgreSQL database or an External PostgreSQL database. The migration tool can be downloaded from Software Licenses and Downloads.


  • This document pertains only if you are using ZENworks 24.2 or later version.

  • If Patch Management is enabled in the zone, then ensure that you have already migrated to the Advanced Patch Feed before initiating the database migration. For more information, see Migrating Patch Management.


During the database migration, following actions are performed:

  • If you have more than one Primary Server in t he zone, then a check is performed to identify if the ZENworks services are running on the other Primary Servers.

    If the services are running on the other Primary Servers, then the migration is terminated. Ensure that the services are stopped on the other Primary Servers by running the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command.

  • ZENworks Diagnostic Center (ZDC) check is performed on ZENworks, Audit and Antimalware (conditional) databases.

    If any mismatches are found, then the migration is terminated. Ensure that all the reported issues are resolved, and then re-initiate the migration.

  • Data will be migrated from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

  • After successful migration, ZENworks points to the PostgreSQL database.

NOTE:By default, ZENworks supports external PostgreSQL 16.x version during database Migration. To add support for the latest versions of the database, create a file available in the following location:

  • On Linux: /opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin

The file should include the db-version=<version> line, where version refers to the target database PostgreSQL version.

For example, to add support for PostgreSQL 17.2, you need to add db-version=17.2 to the file in the database migration tool.

Until the migration is successfully completed, ZENworks continues to use the Oracle database. In any case, if the database migration fails, the zone is automatically rolled back to use the Oracle database. At any point, if the migration is terminated, you have an option to resume the migration from the point where it was halted, or you can restart the migration. For more information see, Resuming or Restarting the Database Migration.

Depending on your requirements, refer to any of the following section:

1.0 Optimizing the Database Migration

Before starting the database migration, if required, you can improve the performance of the database migration either by specifying the heap space while initiating the migration or by using the file.

1.1 Optimizing using the file

Depending on the size of the source database, you can customize the database migration to improve the time taken to migrate. The migration can be customized by creating and copying the file in the following location. However, it is recommended that you contact Global Technical Support before customizing the migration.

  • On Linux/Appliance: /opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin

Add the following fields to customize the database migration:

  • threadcount: This parameter represents the number of threads that should be created while migrating data from source to destination database. Each thread is responsible for copying the data from one source table to destination table. By increasing the number of threads, more number of tables will be copied at a time (parallelly). Hence reduces the total time taken for the database migration.

    By increasing the threadcount, memory consumed by the migration tool also increases, as more number of threads are allocated to the migration. If the total memory consumed by database migration tool is greater than the heapspace then it will result in database migration failure due to OutOfMemoryError. To avoid OutOfMemoryError, whenever you increase the threadcount, ensure that you either decrease the maximum memory (memorythreshold) consumed by each thread or increase the total memory consumed by the tool (heapspace). For more information, see Modifying the Heap Space During the Migration.

    By default, the database migration tool uses a threadcount of 10. In this scenario, 10 threads are created and at a time a maximum of 10 tables data will be migrated.

    Based on requirements and available memory, you can modify the number of threads that should be used while migrating the data.

    threadCount = <count in number>

  • memorythreshold: This parameter represents the maximum memory that a thread should use while copying the data from source to destination database. The memorythreshold and size of the row determines the number of rows that should be copied from source to the destination table.

    By default, the database migration tool uses memorythreshold of 300 MB. If required, based on your memory availability, you can increase the memorythreshold.

    memorythreshold = <memory in KBs>

  • batchsize: This parameter represents number of rows that should be copied at a time by each thread while migrating the data from the source table to the destination table. By increasing the batchsize, more number of rows will be copied by each thread in each iteration from the source table to the destination table. Hence, database migration will take less time to migrate the data.

    Since the memory consumed by each thread is increasing, this might result in database migration failure due to OutOfMemoryError. To avoid the OutOfMemoryError, you can either increase the maximum memory consumed by each thread (memorythreshold) or increase the total memory consumed by the tool (heapspace).

    Note: If threshold is increased then correspondingly heapspace needs to be increased to avoid OutOfMemoryError.

    By default, the database migration tool uses a batchsize of 10000. If required, based on your memory availability, you can increase the batchsize.

    batchsize = <batchsize in number>

    NOTE:Whenever the data size retrieved from a table based on the batchsize is more than memorythreshold, then memorythreshold size takes precedence. In such cases, data size less than or equal to the memorythreshold size will be copied from the source table to the destination table. Following example illustrates this scenario.

Migration Memory Consumption Scenarios

The following cases explain various scenarios that impact the overall memory consumption during the database migration.

Let us consider a scenario, where batchsize is 10,000, memorythreshold is 100 MB and each row is of size 20 KB. In this scenario, 200 MB of memory is required to copy the entire batchsize(10,000 rows) from the table in one iteration. Since the memorythreshold is 100 MB, then around 5000 rows (whose size is less than or equals to 100 MB) are copied and then the remaining 5000 rows are copied in the next cycle to the destination table. Instead, if the memorythreshold is set to 300 MB, then all the batchsize number of rows (10,000) will be copied at a time. Hence, by increasing memorythreshold, the time taken by the migration can be reduced.

Since memorythreshold is for each thread, increasing the threshold implies that the maximum limit for total data being copied by all threads is also increased. Ensure that the total memory upper limit never crosses the maximum available heapspace. Increasing the batchsize and threadcount can immediately result in increased memory usage, whereas increasing memorythreshold only increases the upper limit for each thread. If all threads start consuming the memory based on the upper memory limit and total consumed memory is greater than the heapspace, then the migration will result in OutOfMemoryError.

Let us consider a scenario, where threadcount is 10, batchsize is 10,000, memorythreshold is 100 MB and heapspace is 1 GB.

Assume that each size of a row in a table is 5 KB, then for a batchsize of 10,000 rows, a thread will consume 50 MB (5 KB * 10,000 = 50MB). Even though the threshold is set to 100 MB, which is the upper limit to copy the data, each thread will copy a maximum of 50 MB data for each iteration. The database migration tool will consume a total memory of 500 MB (10 * 50 MB = 500 MB) from the heapspace.

Case 1: Increasing threadcount

threadcount=15, batchsize=10,000, memorythreshold=100 MB, heapspace=1 GB

Each thread still copies a 50 MB of data in each iteration (5 KB * 10,000=50MB), but the total memory consumed by the tool is 750 MB (15*50 MB=750 MB). Hence, increasing the number of threads results in immediate increase in total memory consumption by database migration tool.

Case 2: Increasing threadcount

threadcount=25, batchsize=10,000, memorythreshold=100 MB, heapspace=1 GB

Each thread still copies 50 MB data in each iteration (5 KB*10,000=50 MB), but the total memory consumed by the tool is 1.25 GB (25*50 MB = 1250 MB). The defined maximum heapspace is 1 GB. Hence, the migration might fail with OutOfMemoryError.

Case 3: Increasing batchsize

threadcount=10, batchsize=15000, memorythreshold=100 MB, heapspace=1 GB

Each thread copies a data size of 75 MB (5 KB*15000=75 MB, which is less than thresholdmemory). The total memory consumed by the tool is 750 MB (10*75 MB = 750 MB). Hence, increased batchsize immediately results in increased memory consumption.

Case 4: Increasing batchsize

threadcount=10, batchsize=25000, memorythreshold=100 MB, heapspace=1 GB

Each thread copies a data of 100 MB (5KB * 25000 = 125 MB, which is greater than thresholdmemory). So, a maximum of 100 MB will be copied per iteration. Hence, the total memory consumed by the tool is 1 GB (10 * 100 MB = 1 GB).

Case 5: Increasing memorythreshold

threadcount=10, batchsize=10000, memorythreshold=200 MB, heapspace =1 GB

Each thread copies a data of 50 MB (5KB * 10000 = 50 MB), the total memory consumption is 500 MB (10*50 MB=500 MB). Increase in threshold results in increased upper limit for memory consumption for each thread. Hence, this might not result in any change in total memory consumed by the migration tool.

1.2 Modifying the Heap Space During the Migration

Heap space is the memory that is used while migrating the data from source to destination database. By default, the database migration tool uses 6 GB of heap space to migrate the database. However, depending on the available memory, you can increase the heap space and initiate the database migration. Ensure that the heap space never exceeds the maximum available physical memory.

To modify the heap space used during migration, use the following command while initiating the database migration:

  • On Linux: ./ -Dzen.mig.maxMemory=<value>

NOTE:Depending on memorythreshold, batchsize and threadcount that you have specified, ensure that you assign optimum heapspace to avoid OutOfMemoryError.

2.0 Migrating to an Embedded PostgreSQL Database

IMPORTANT:If you are using ZENworks 2020 Update 2 or earlier versions, then refer to Database Migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

This document pertains only if you are using ZENworks 24.2 version or later versions.

2.1 Prerequisites

If you are migrating to an Embedded PostgreSQL database, then ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The Management Zone should be at ZENworks 24.2 version.

  • The Migration tool can be executed by users with following access:

    • root (Linux/Appliance)

    • ZENworks Super Administrator

  • Ensure that you initiate the migration on the server in which you want to host the Embedded PostgreSQL database.

  • The database and ZENworks services should be running on the server in which you initiate the database migration.

  • Ensure that the Primary Server on which the migration is initiated has enough disk space to migrate the database.

    To view the size of the database, log into ZCC, and then click Diagnostics.

2.2 Pre-migration Tasks

Before running the Migration tool, ensure that you perform the following tasks:

  • Ensure that you take a backup of the database.

  • Ensure that you take a backup of the configuration files (zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml,, and that are available in the following location:

    • On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel

  • (Conditional) If Antimalware is enabled in the zone, for the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy file to the other Primary Servers. This file should be copied from the path in Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

    • On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/antimalware

  • If you have more than one Primary Server in your zone, then ensure that the zenadminmgmt and zenclientmgmt services are manually stopped on all the other Primary Servers in the zone.

    (conditional) If ZENworks monitor service exists and running, then ensure that the service is also stopped on all the other Primary Servers.

    The services can be stopped on each Primary Server by using the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command.

    IMPORTANT:If the services are not stopped on all the other Primary Servers in the zone, then database migration is terminated.

2.3 Procedure

To migrate the database to an Embedded PostgreSQL database, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the file to a temporary location in the server on which you will initiate the database migration.

    Before initiating the migration, ensure that you optimize the migration. For more information, see Optimizing the Database Migration.

    • On Linux/Appliance:

      1. Go to the extracted folder and grant executable permissions to by running the following command:

        chmod 755

      2. Initiate the database migration by running the following command:


  2. Ensure that you read the displayed instructions, and then proceed with the migration.

  3. Enter the ZENworks Administrator user name and password.

    If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, then a check is performed to identify if ZENworks services are stopped on the other Primary Servers.

    If the services are running on the other Primary Servers, then the migration is terminated and displays list of servers on which services are still running. Ensure that the services are stopped by running the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command on the reported servers.

    ZDC is automatically launched and validates the database schema, if any errors are identified, then the database migration is terminated. Ensure that you resolve the issues and then restart the migration. For more information, see Troubleshooting the ZDC Error.

  4. Select the target database type for the ZENworks database. In this scenario, select the Embedded PostgreSQL for the ZENworks database.

  5. Select the target database type for Audit database. In this scenario, select the Embedded PostgreSQL for the Audit database.

  6. (Conditional) Select the target database type for Antimalware database if the Antimalware is enabled in the zone. In this scenario, select the Embedded PostgreSQL for the Antimalware database.

  7. To start the database migration, press Enter. The database will be migrated from the Oracle database to PostgreSQL.

    NOTE:Until the migration is successfully completed, ZENworks continues to use the Oracle database. At any point, if the migration is terminated, you have an option to resume the migration from the point where it was halted, or you can restart the migration. For more information see, Resuming or Restarting the Database Migration. In any case, if the database migration fails, the zone is automatically rolled back to use the Oracle database.

  8. After the migration is completed, the migration details are displayed. For more information, see Verifying the Database Migration.

  9. After successfully migrating the data, before starting ZENworks services on the other Primary Servers, ensure that you perform the steps specified in the Post-migration Tasks section.

2.4 Post-migration Tasks

After migrating the data successfully, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Primary Server in which you have performed the database migration:

    1. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c UpdateJdbcUrlConfigureAction.

    2. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPPropertiesConfigureAction.

    3. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction

    4. If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, then on the server in which the PostgreSQL database is installed, perform the steps mentioned in the Configuring PostgreSQL section in the ZENworks Database Management Reference.

    5. Restart the ZENworks services by running the following command:

      microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

  2. If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, perform the following steps on all the other Primary Servers:

    1. For the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy the zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml,,, and files to the other Primary Servers. These files should be copied from following location in the Primary Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel/

    2. (Conditional) If Antimalware is enabled in the zone, for the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy file to the other Primary Servers. This file should be copied from the following location in the Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/antimalware/

    3. (Conditional) If you have migrated to an embedded PostgreSQL, then change the IP address from Jdbc_Url to the IP address of the embedded PostgreSQL server in the copied zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml, and files on other Primary Server. Ensure that you DO NOT MODIFY the zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml, and files in the server on which migration was initiated.

    4. Copy the SearchConfig.xml file from the following location to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel/search

    5. On other Primary Servers, run the following:

      • microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPPropertiesConfigureAction

      • microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction

    6. Restart the ZENworks services on the Primary Server by running the following command:

      microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

IMPORTANT:Before migrating the database, if you had configured the Vertica database in your zone, then after migration, ensure that you re-create the Kafka connectors in the zone, to resume the syncing of data from the new database to Vertica. To re-create the connectors, you need to run the command zman server-role-kafka-recreate-connectors -f on one of the servers in which Kafka is installed. While executing this command, ensure that the source database is up and running. After the Kafka connectors are created successfully, you can then disable the source database. For more information, see the ZENworks Vertica Guide.

3.0 Migrating to an External PostgreSQL database

IMPORTANT:If you are planning to migrate to an external database, install and prepare the external PostgreSQL database, and then initiate the migration.

IMPORTANT:If you are using ZENworks 2020 Update 1 or earlier versions, then refer to Database Migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

This document pertains only if you are using ZENworks 2020 Update 2 or later versions.

3.1 Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database

Before migrating to an external PostgreSQL database, ensure that you prepare the external database and then migrate the database.

Ensure that you perform the following steps for the ZENworks database, Audit database, and then Antimalware (conditional) database so that the external database communicates with ZENworks:

  1. Install the PostgreSQL database.

    For more information on installing PostgreSQL, see Installing PostgreSQL.

  2. After installing the database, start the PostgreSQL service.

    To start the PostgreSQL service:

    • On Windows: To start the service, perform the following:

      1. Press Windows + R keys.

      2. Type services.msc.

      3. Search for the PostgreSQL service based on the installed version.

      4. Click Start the service.

    • On Linux: To start the service, run the systemctl start postgresql-<version>.service command.

  3. After starting the service, perform the following steps:

    In the PostgreSQL database install location, perform the following steps:

    1. In the pg_hba.conf file, add the following text at the end:

      host all all md5

    2. In the postgresql.conf file, add the following text at the end:





      max_connections = Number of Primary Servers * 300

      By default, max_connections = 500 for Embedded PostgreSQL.

      The pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf are available in the following location:

      • On Linux: /var/opt/microfocus/pgsql/data

      Along with above mentioned steps, based on the zone requirements, you can increase the number of database connections. For more information on configuring the number of connections, see Configuring PostgreSQL.

      NOTE:By default, PostgreSQL uses the port 5432. However, in ZENworks 54327 is used as the default port for PostgreSQL. You can change the default port number if there is a conflict. However, you must ensure that the PostgreSQL port is opened in Firewall, so that the Primary Servers can talk to the database.

    3. Restart the PostgreSQL service.

      After restarting the services, you can proceed with the database migration.

    NOTE:Ensure that the port is opened in Firewall, so that all the Primary Servers can talk to the database.

3.2 Prerequisites

If you are migrating to an External PostgreSQL database, then ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The Management Zone should be at the ZENworks 24.2 version.

  • The Migration Tool can be executed by users with following access:

    • root (Linux/Appliance)

    • ZENworks Super Administrator

  • The database migration can be initiated on any Primary Server.

  • External PostgreSQL database should be setup and ready for the migration. For more information and steps to setup the PostgreSQL database, see Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database section.

  • If you have more than one Primary Server in your zone, then ensure that all the ZENworks services are manually stopped on all the other Primary Servers in the zone.

    (conditional) If ZENworks monitor service exists and running, then ensure that the service is also stopped on all the other Primary Servers.

    The services can be stopped on each Primary Server by using the following command:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

    IMPORTANT:If the services are not stopped on all the other Primary Servers in the zone, then database migration is terminated.

3.3 Pre-migration Tasks

For External PostgreSQL database migration, ensure that you perform the following pre-migration tasks:

  • Ensure that you take a backup of the database.

  • Ensure that you take a backup of the configuration files (zdm.xml, zenaudit.xmlzename.xml,, and that are available in the following location:

    • On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel

  • (Conditional) If Antimalware is enabled in the zone, for the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy file to the other Primary Servers. This file should be copied from the path in Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

    • On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/antimalware

3.4 Procedure

To migrate the data to an External PostgreSQL database, perform the following steps:

  1. Extract the file to a temporary location in the server on which you will initiate the database migration.

    Before initiating the migration, ensure that you optimize the migration. For more information, see Optimizing the Database Migration.

    • On Linux/Appliance:

      1. Go to the extracted folder and grant executable permissions to by running the following command:

        chmod 755

      2. Initiate the database migration by running the following command:


  2. Ensure that you read the displayed instructions, and then proceed with the migration.

  3. Enter the ZENworks administrator user name and password.

    If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, then a check is performed to identify if ZENworks services are stopped on the other Primary Servers.

    If the services are running on the other Primary Servers, then the migration is terminated and displays list of servers on which services are still running. Ensure that the services are stopped by running the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start command on the reported servers.

    ZDC is automatically launched and validates the Oracle database schema, if any errors are identified, then the database migration is terminated. Ensure that you resolve the issues and then restart the migration.

    For more information on accessing the ZDC Report, see Viewing the ZDC Error Report

  4. Select the target database type for ZENworks database. In this scenario, select External PostgreSQL for the ZENworks database, and then perform the following steps:

    1. Enter the IP address or host name of the PostgreSQL database server.

    2. Enter the port used by the PostgreSQL database server.

      NOTE:By default, PostgreSQL uses the port 5432. However, in ZENworks 54327 is used as the default port for PostgreSQL. You can change the default port number if there is a conflict. However, you must ensure that the PostgreSQL port is opened in Firewall, so that the Primary Servers can talk to the database.

    3. Specify whether you want to create a new database or use an existing database.

    4. To migrate to a new database, perform the following steps:

      1. Enter the ZENworks database (PostgreSQL) server administrator user name.

      2. Enter the ZENworks database (PostgreSQL) server administrator password.

      3. Enter the ZENworks database user name for PostgreSQL.

      4. Enter the ZENworks database password for PostgreSQL.

      5. Enter a name for the ZENworks database. For more information, see PostgreSQL Naming Convention.

      NOTE:After entering all the details, the tool verifies the PostgreSQL administrator credentials to connect to the database.

  5. Select the target database type for the Audit database. In this scenario, select External PostgreSQL for the Audit database.

    For External PostgreSQL as the target Audit database, perform the following steps:

    1. Enter the IP address or host name of the PostgreSQL Audit database server.

    2. Enter the port used by the PostgreSQL Audit database server.

    3. Specify whether you want to create a new database or use an existing database.

    4. To migrate to a new database, perform the following steps:

      1. Enter the Audit database (PostgreSQL) server administrator user name.

      2. Enter the Audit database (PostgreSQL) server administrator password.

      3. Enter the Audit database user name for PostgreSQL.

      4. Enter the Audit database password for PostgreSQL.

      5. Enter a name for the Audit database. For more information, see PostgreSQL Naming Convention.

      NOTE:After entering all the details, the tool verifies the PostgreSQL administrator credentials to connect to the database.

  6. (Conditional) Select the target database type if Antimalware is enabled in the zone. In this scenario, select External PostgreSQL for the Antimalware database.

    For External PostgreSQL as the target Antimalware database, perform the following steps:

    1. Enter the IP address or host name of the PostgreSQL Antimalware database server.

    2. Enter the port used by the PostgreSQL Antimalware database server.

    3. Specify whether you want to create a new database or use an existing database.

    4. To migrate to a new database, perform the following steps:

      1. Enter the Antimalware database (PostgreSQL) server administrator user name.

      2. Enter the Antimalware database (PostgreSQL) server administrator password.

      3. Enter the Antimalware database user name for PostgreSQL.

      4. Enter the Antimalware database password for PostgreSQL.

      5. Enter a name for the Antimalware database. For more information, see PostgreSQL Naming Convention.

      NOTE:After entering all the details, the tool verifies the PostgreSQL administrator credentials to connect to the database.

  7. To start the migration, press Enter. The data will be migrated to the PostgreSQL database.

    At any point, if the migration is terminated, you have an option to resume the migration from the point where it was halted, or you can restart the migration. For more information see, Resuming or Restarting the Database Migration. In any case, if the database migration fails, the zone is rolled back to use the Oracle database.

  8. After the migration is completed, the migration details are displayed: For more information, see Verifying the Database Migration.

  9. After successfully migrating the data, ensure that you perform the steps specified in the Post-migration Tasks section.

3.5 Post-migration Tasks

After migrating the data successfully, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Primary Server in which you have performed the database migration:

    1. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c UpdateJdbcUrlConfigureAction.

    2. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPPropertiesConfigureAction.

    3. Run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction

    4. If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, then on the server in which the PostgreSQL database is installed, perform the steps mentioned in the Configuring PostgreSQL section in the ZENworks Database Management Reference.

    5. Restart the ZENworks services by running the following command:

      microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

  2. If you have more than one Primary Server in the zone, perform the following steps on all the other Primary Servers:

    1. For the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy the zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml,,, and files to the other Primary Servers. These files should be copied from following location in the Primary Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel/

    2. (Conditional) If Antimalware is enabled in the zone, for the other Primary Server to use the newly configured PostgreSQL database, copy file to the other Primary Servers. This file should be copied from the following location in the Server on which the migration was initiated to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/antimalware/

    3. (Conditional) If you have migrated to an embedded PostgreSQL, then change the IP address from Jdbc_Url to the IP address of the embedded PostgreSQL server in the copied zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml, and files on other Primary Server. Ensure that you DO NOT MODIFY the zdm.xml, zenaudit.xml, and files in the server on which migration was initiated.

    4. Copy the SearchConfig.xml file from the following location to the same location on the other Primary Servers:

      • On Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel/search

    5. On other Primary Servers, run the following:

      • microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPPropertiesConfigureAction

      • microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction

    6. Restart the ZENworks services on the Primary Server by running the following command:

      microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

IMPORTANT:Before migrating the database, if you had configured the Vertica database in your zone, then after migration, ensure that you re-create the Kafka connectors in the zone, to resume the syncing of data from the new database to Vertica. To re-create the connectors, you need to run the command zman server-role-kafka-recreate-connectors -f on one of the servers in which Kafka is installed. While executing this command, ensure that the source database is up and running. After the Kafka connectors are created successfully, you can then disable the source database. For more information, see the ZENworks Vertica Guide.

4.0 Installing PostgreSQL

4.1 Installing PostgreSQL on Linux/Appliance

Download and install the required version of PostgreSQL.

The PostgreSQL can be downloaded from PostgreSQL for Linux.

NOTE:The link redirects to an external site that is subject to change without prior notice.

Depending on the ZENworks version, download and install the supported version of PostgreSQL. For more information on supported versions, see the following table:

After installing PostgreSQL, continue with the steps specified in the Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database section.

Example: Installing PostgreSQL 11 on a SLES 12 Device

In the following scenario, we are installing the latest version of PostgreSQL 11 on a SLES 12 SP 3 device.

  1. Open the Terminal as a root user.

  2. Add the PostgreSQL 11 repository by running the following command:

    zypper addrepo postgres

    NOTE:The repo location is from an external site that is subject to change without prior notice.

    Where postgres is the repo name.

  3. To refresh the repositories, run zypper refresh.

  4. After repo refresh, install the PostgreSQL database by running the zypper install postgresql11-server command.

    Ensure that you install all the dependent packages.

  5. Initialize the database by running the following command:

    /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql11-setup initdb

    If database is not initialized, then folders required to store the data are not created.

  6. After initializing the database, enable the PostgreSQL database by running the systemctl enable postgresql11.service command.

  7. Start the PostgreSQL service by running the systemctl start postgresql11.service command.

  8. Continue with the steps specified in the Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database section.

4.2 Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database

If you are planning to using an external database, then ensure that you perform the following steps for the ZENworks database, Audit database, and then Antimalware database so that the external database communicates with ZENworks:

  1. Install the PostgreSQL database.

    For more information on installing PostgreSQL, see Preparing the External PostgreSQL Database.

  2. After installing the database, start the PostgreSQL service.

    To start the PostgreSQL service:

    • On Linux/Appliance: To start the service, run the systemctl start postgresql-<version>.service command.

  3. After starting the service, perform the following steps:

    In the PostgreSQL database install location, perform the following steps:

    1. In the pg_hba.conf file, add the following text at the end:

      host all all md5

    2. In the postgresql.conf file, add the following text at the end:





      max_connections = Number of Primary Servers * 300

      By default, max_connections = 500 for Embedded PostgreSQL.

      The pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf are available in the following location:

      • On Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/pgsql/data

      Along with above mentioned steps, based on the zone requirements, you can increase the number of database connections. For more information on configuring the number of connections, see Configuring PostgreSQL.

      NOTE:By default, PostgreSQL uses the port 5432. However, in ZENworks 54327 is used as the default port for PostgreSQL. You can change the default port number if there is a conflict. However, you must ensure that the PostgreSQL port is opened in Firewall, so that the Primary Servers can talk to the database.

    3. Restart the PostgreSQL service.

      Now, you can proceed with the database migration.

    NOTE:Ensure that the port is opened in Firewall, so that all the Primary Servers can talk to the database.

5.0 Verifying the Database Migration

To verify whether the database migration was successful or not, perform any of the following:

  • Log into ZCC, check the ZENworks Database Type in the Diagnostics page. If the type is PostgreSQL, then the migration is successful. If the type is other than PostgreSQL (ZENworks, Audit or [conditional] Antimalware), then the migration has failed.

  • Check the log files available in the following location:

    This is a consolidated file that includes Database Reports (ZENworks and Audit), Antimalware Database Reports, Database Migration logs, and data validation logs. Click Download All to download the log files in the ZIP format.

    • On Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration/logviewer/index.html

NOTE:To optimize the overall migration time, only row count check is performed for the Audit database.

6.0 Troubleshooting

This section provides information on issues that you might encounter while using this Migration tool and it also provides information about the ZDC log files that can be accessed to identify if there are any issues with the ZENworks and Audit databases.

6.1 ZDC Related Issues

NOTE:ZENworks no longer supports Windows Server as a Primary Server from version 24.2 onwards. For more information, see End of Support Windows Primary Server.

The ZDC related issues are logged in the ZDC Reports and ZDC_results.json.

The ZDC Reports are available in the following location:

  • Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration/zdc/reports

The ZDC_results.json file is available in the following location:

  • Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration

Viewing the ZDC Error Report

When you run the Migration tool, ZDC is launched automatically by the tool. The ZDC verifies the health of the database and if any errors are identified, two folders containing the error reports are created, one for the ZENworks database and another for the Audit database. The folders can be identified by the timestamp of when the Migration tool was run. The folder with latest timestamp is for audit database and the other folder is for ZENworks database.

To view the reports, open the index.html from the timestamp folder available in the following location:

  • Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration/zdc/reports

For troubleshooting the ZDC errors, see Troubleshooting the ZDC Error.

Troubleshooting the ZDC Error

When you run the Migration tool, ZDC is launched automatically by the tool. The ZDC verifies the health of the database, and if any errors are identified, the migration is terminated. This might be due to missing tables, columns and constraints in the database.

IMPORTANT:Ensure that you analyze and rectify the reported errors, if any, on the source database and contact Global Technical Support before performing the following troubleshooting steps.


To skip the missing objects, perform the following steps:

NOTE:The following steps should be performed only if you are sure that the missing objects can be skipper, else contact the Global Technical Support.

  1. Modify the zdc.conf file available in the following location:

    • Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration

    In the zdc.conf file, based on requirement, specify the objects in the respective parameters as shown below table:



    Skips the specified tables.

    Skips the specified columns.

    NOTE:The column names should be specified along with the table name, as shown in the below example.

    Example: StorageDevicePolicy.portableaccessid

    Here, StorageDevicePolicy is the table name and portableaccessid is the column name.

    Skips the specified constraints.

    NOTE:Multiple values can be specified by using a comma.

  2. After modifying the zdc.conf file, restart the database migration.

Issues with Indexes, Triggers, Procedures and Views

Problem: The ZDC reports any errors with Indexes, Triggers, Procedures and Views in the existing database.


  • If the ZDC check is performed during migration, then the ZDC has an intelligence to skip such errors.

The expected column length is more than the actual column length

Problem: The ZDC reports that the expected column length is more than the actual column length.


  • If the ZDC check is performed during migration, then the ZDC has an intelligence to skip such errors.

For example, in the following image, zAppAssignment the expected size is 255 and actual size is 65. Hence, this inconsistency can be ignored.

IMPORTANT:When the actual column length is more than the expected column length, then such inconsistencies SHOULD NOT be ignored.

For example, in the following image, for the ZESM_CertInformation column, the expected length is 255 and actual column length is 2147483647. In such scenarios, the column length parameter should not be ignored.

If the data in such tables are empty, then those entries can be ignored, or please contact Global Technical Support before starting the database migration.

The nullability in the actual column is false and the expected column is true

Problem: The ZDC reports that the nullability of actual column is false (i.e. only non-null values can be inserted) and expected nullability for the column is true (i.e. null entries can be inserted).


  • If the ZDC check is performed manually, then this inconsistency can be ignored.

  • If the ZDC check is performed during migration, then the ZDC has an intelligence to skip such errors.

For example, in the following image, for the zZENObjectDelete_log column, the expected nullability of the column is true and actual nullability of the column is false. Hence, this inconsistency can be ignored.

IMPORTANT:If the nullability of the expected column is false and actual column is true, then such inconsistency SHOULD NOT be ignored.

For example, in the following image, the zRestrictionEnforcementState column, the actual column nullability is true and expected column nullablity is false. In such scenarios, the null values cannot be inserted into the columns where nullability is false. Hence, such inconsistency cannot be ignored.

If the data in such tables are empty, then those entries can be ignored, or please contact Global Technical Support before starting the database migration.

6.2 Migration Related Issues

When you are migrating to PostgreSQL, an error or a warning message might be displayed in the migration summary window. Depending on the message, refer to the following relevant sections:

Migration Failed with Errors

If the database migration has failed, then check the following applicable log files:

Upgrade Log

The Upgrade log (ZENworks_Upgrade_<date/time>.log.xml) is available in the following location:

  • On Windows: %ZENSRVER_HOME%\logs\migration

  • On Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration

  1. “We were unable to open and test the requested Windows service” error message is logged.

    Solution: In this scenario, ignore the error log and verify if the database migration is successfully completed. To verify whether the database migration is successful or not, see the Section 5.0, Verifying the Database Migration.

Migration Log

The migration log is available in the following location:

  • On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\logs\migration\microfocus-zenworks-migration.log

  • On Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration/microfocus-zenworks-migration.log

  1. “NullPointerException at Flexeraac4.appendError(Unknown Source) error message is logged.

    Solution: In this scenario, restart or resume the database migration. For more information, see the Section 6.4, Resuming or Restarting the Database Migration.

  2. Out Of Memory Error exception is logged.

    Solution: In this scenario, ensure that you have assigned enough heap space for the database migration.

    To modify the heap space used during migration, perform the following:

    • By default, the database migration tool uses 6 GB of heap space to migrate the database. However, if required, you can initiate the database migration with increased heap space using the following command:

      %ZENSERVER_HOME%/share/java/bin/java.exe -Dzen.mig.maxMemory=<value> -jar <location-of db-migration-tool-<version>.jar

      Where <value> is the heap space size in MB.

    NOTE:Even after increasing the heap space to the maximum available memory limit (approximately 75% of the total memory of Primary Server), if you are still facing the out of memory issue, then see the Optimizing the Database Migration section.

  3. Row count validation Failed

    If the database migration failed, the zone is reverted to use the Oracle database. If you make any changes in the zone, and re-initiate the database migration by selecting the Resume option, then the tables that were already migrated to the PostgreSQL will be ignored. Hence, the data captured in the Oracle database tables that were already migrated to the PostgreSQL database will not be migrated. In this scenario, the row count validation fails.

    Solution: Select the Restart option when you re-initiate the database migration.

Migration Completed with Warning

If the database migration is completed with warnings, then check the following applicable log files:

Migration Log
  • On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\logs\migration\microfocus-zenworks-migration.log

  • On Linux/Appliance: /var/opt/microfocus/log/zenworks/migration/microfocus-zenworks-migration.log

  1. “ZENworks services could not be started” message is logged.

    Solution: Ignore the warning and wait for a couple of minutes till the services are started automatically, or start the ZENworks services manually.

  2. Data validation error

    Solution: If migration is completed with data validation error, then see the Section 6.3, Data Validation Issues for more information.

Post Migration Issues

After successfully completing the database migration and you might face several issues while using ZENworks with PostgreSQL. This section provides information on issues that you might face while using the PostgreSQL database:

Some Hints, statements and errors are logged in the Postmaster logs.

Hints, Statements and errors might be logged in the Postmaster logs. These messages are logged after completing the database migration:

  • HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.

  • STATEMENT: select subscribed0_.ZUID as ZUID434_, subscribed0_.ZoneUID as ZoneUID434_, subscribed0_.ZoneName as ZoneName434_, subscribed0_.LastSuccessServer as LastSucc4_434_ from zSubscribedZone subscribed0_ where subscribed0_.ZoneUID=$1 and subscribed0_.ZoneName=$2 limit $3

  • ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

  • STATEMENT: select 1 from zZone

Solution: If you are using multi-zone with the zone sharing settings, only then the hints, statements and error are logged.

These messages can be ignored.

After migrating the database to PostgreSQL, the PostgreSQL service is not listed in the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start action

Solution: Manually Start or Stop the PostgreSQL service.

To Start or Stop the PostgreSQL service manually:

  • On Windows: To Start or Stop the service, perform the following:

    1. Press Windows + R keys.

    2. Type services.msc.

    3. Search for the PostgreSQL service based on the installed version.

    4. Click Start or Stop the service.

  • On Linux: To start or stop the service, run the systemctl start postgresql-<version>.service or systemctl stop postgresql-<version>.service command.

  • On Appliance: To start or stop the service run, the systemctl start zenpostgresql or systemctl stop zenpostgresql command

The patch policy might not rebuild and fails to create a sandbox or published version

While creating a patch policy, the policy might not rebuild. Hence, it fails to create a sandbox or published version, and in the services-messages.log, the following message is displayed:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "zpatchpolicysignaturemap_pkey"

This error might be displayed due to the newly added sequences in the database.

Workaround: Perform the following steps to correct the sequences in the database:

  1. Download the latest version of the Database Migration tool.

  2. Unzip the Database Migration tool, and then copy the db-migration-utility.jar file to the following location:

    • On Linux: /opt/microfocus/zenworks/java/lib/

    • On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\lib\java\common

  3. After copying the file, run microfocus-zenworks-configure -c FixSequencesConfigureAction.

6.3 Data Validation Issues

During the database migration, the data validation might have failed, even if the migration was successful. Following are some of the scenarios, where the table content validation has failed, even if the migration was successful:

Validation Failed Because of Invalid or Unknown Characters

Problem: During the database migration, if null ASCII characters are detected in the Oracle database, then the invalid characters are omitted and the remaining characters are migrated to the PostgreSQL database. Hence, the content validation fails even if the database migration is successful.

In the following scenarios, invalid characters are detected in the Oracle, which were omitted while migrating to PostgreSQL.

Scenario 1: In this scenario, an invalid character is detected as shown in the following image.

The invalid character is omitted after migrating as shown in the following image.

Scenario 2: In this scenario, array of invalid characters are detected as shown in the following image.

The invalid characters are omitted after migrating as shown in the following image.

Solution: This validation error scenario can be ignored, as the error is logged due to mismatches in the characters. However, the database is successfully migrated.

6.4 Resuming or Restarting the Database Migration

If the database migration had failed, then ensure that you re-initiate the migration on the same server on which you initiated the migration for the first time.

If you re-initiate the database migration on the same server, then you will get the Restart or Resume options.

  • Resume: If you resume the database migration, then the migration resumes from the point at which the migration was terminated.

    Let us assume that the database has 400 tables and the migration was terminated while migrating the 48th table (47 tables are successfully migrated). When you resume the migration, the migration starts by migrating the 48th table and then continues migrating other tables.

  • Restart: If you restart the database migration, then a fresh migration is initiated. While restarting the migration, you have to specify all the required details.

    While migrating to an embedded PostgreSQL, and the migration fails during restart, cleanup of residual content is performed. In such scenarios, a fresh migration can be initiated.

Following are the various Resume and Restart scenarios for the database migration:

  • The migration can be resumed only after the stage where the database tables are created in the PostgreSQL database. If you are unable to resume the migration, then you need to restart the migration.

  • The database migration can be resumed only from the device on which the migration was initiated.

IMPORTANT:If the database migration failed, the zone is reverted to use the Oracle database. If you make any changes in the zone, and re-initiate the database migration by selecting the Resume option, then the tables that were already migrated to the PostgreSQL will be ignored. Hence, the data captured in the Oracle database tables that were already migrated to the PostgreSQL database will not be migrated. Hence, it is recommended that you select the Restart option.

7.0 Additional Information

This section provides some additional information on the database migration:

7.1 Huge data in the zBinaryData table

Problem: While creating a bundle, if you have added an icon, then the relevant data is updated in the zBinaryData table in the database. Due to a random issue, the icon that was uploaded within a bundle might be converted to a huge unwanted data (approximately 900 MB) in the table.

Solution: During the database migration, the tool checks the data row by row and then migrates the data to the PostgreSQL database. If the tool detects that the icon size is more than 10 MB, then in the PostgreSQL, a null value is inserted. Hence, ignore the issue.

7.2 PostgreSQL Naming Convention

While creating the PostgreSQL database, ensure that the PostgreSQL database name must start with a letter or an underscore, the rest of the string should contain letters, digits, and underscores only.