ZENworks Software Distribution Reference

  ZENworks Software Distribution Reference
    Basic Concepts
      Bundle Group
      Action Sets
      License Tracking
      Assigning Bundles
      Packaging Considerations
    Creating Bundles
      Installing ZCC Helper
      Creating Linux Bundles
      Creating Macintosh Bundles
      Creating Preboot Bundles
      Creating Windows Bundles
      Creating Bundles by Using the zman Command Line Utility
      Creating iOS Bundles
      Creating Corporate Bundles
      Exporting and Importing Bundles
    Viewing the Bundle Information
      Understanding the Bundle Page
      Bundle Summary Page
    Managing Bundle Groups
      Creating Bundle Groups
      Renaming or Moving Bundle Groups
      Copying the System Requirements of a Bundle Group
      Group Members
      Deleting a Bundle Group
      Adding a Bundle to a Group
      Copying a Bundle Group to a Content Server
    Managing Folders
      Creating Folders
      Renaming or Moving Folders
      Deleting a Folder
      Action - Copy Directory
      Action - Copy Files
      Action - Create/Delete Directory
      Action - Delay
      Action - Display Message
      Action - Distribute Files
      Action - Edit INI File
      Action - Edit Text File
      Action - End Process
      Action - File Removal
      Action - Install Bundle
      Action - Install Directory
      Action - Install Files
      Action - Install MSI
      Action - Install MSP
      Action - Install Network MSI
      Action - Launch Bundle
      Action - Launch Java Application
      Action - Launch URL
      Action - Launch Executable
      Action - Launch Macintosh Executable
      Action - Install Executable
      Action - Install Linux Executable
      Action - Install Macintosh Executable
      Action - Launch Windows Thin Client Application
      Action - Prompt User
      Action - Reboot/Shutdown
      Action - Registry Edit
      Action - Run Script
      Action - Start/Stop Service
      Action - Terminate Application
      Action - Terminate Application Prompt
      Action - Undo Install Actions
      Action - Uninstall Bundle
      Action - Repair Bundle
      Action - Repair Install Actions
    Understanding Bundle Change Management
    Managing Bundles
      Bundle Quick Tasks
      Bundle Tasks
      Editing Bundles
      Bundle Change Management
      Copying a Bundle to a Content Server
      Bundle Behavior Based on Content Pre-cach Settings
      Export and Import Bundles
      Dependency Bundles
      Retaining Older Bundle Version
    Managing Bundle Assignments
      Assigning Existing Bundles to Devices
      Assigning Existing Bundles to Users
      Assigning a Bundle Group to Devices
      Assigning a Bundle Group to Users
      Execution of Scheduled Bundles
    Managing System Requirements
      Adding System Requirements for a Bundle
      Copying a Bundle’s System Requirements
      Copying a Bundle Group’s System Requirements
    Managing Bundle Settings
      Managing System Variables
      Primary Server Replication
      Satellite Server Replication
      Sandbox Settings
      End Point Throttle
      Image Bundle Flag Settings
    Managing Action and Action Sets
      Managing Actions
      Modifying Action Set Options
    Accessing the Bundle Dashboard
      Device Assignment Status
      User Assignment Status
      Bundle Deployment Status
      Obtaining Data from Vertica
    Accessing Bundles on a Managed Device
      Bundles vs. Applications
      User-Assigned vs. Device-Assigned Bundles
      Accessing Bundles
      Understanding Bundle Icons
      Launching a Bundle
      Postponing a Bundle Download
      Repairing a Bundle
      Viewing a Bundle’s Properties
      Uninstalling a Bundle
    Install, Uninstall, and Repair MSI Bundle Parameters
      Install Parameters
      Uninstall Parameters
      Repair Parameters
    Authentication Hook
    How Bundle Versions Affect an Install Action Set
      Triggers that Cause an Install Action Set to Run
      Sample Scenario
      Additional Scenarios
    Best Practices
      Tracking Licenses Using a Bundle
      Changing the Look and Feel of the Start Menu on a Windows Vista Device
      Pinning Applications to the Start Menu on a Windows Vista Device
      Assigning Bundles to a Device or User
      ZENworks Explorer Folder Naming Convention
      Creating Bundles with Large Content
    Legal Notice