ZfD 3.2 Support Pack 1 (SP1) provides a few new features and some bug fixes.
For more information on the resolved issues, see the TID10071863 at Novell Support Web site.
SP1 provides the following new features for Workstation Inventory:
ZfD 3.2 SP1 provides a new Workstation Inventory snap-in, Reset Component Status, that resets the status attribute of the Inventory Service object to its initial state.
The status attribute contains the upgrade information of the ZfD Inventory server.
When the Inventory Service object's status attribute is reset to its initial state, the Upgrade Service updates the schema and data of the Inventory database. This makes the Inventory database compatible with the ZfD 3.2 SP1 Inventory components.
Use Reset Component Status if you want to run the Upgrade Service in the following scenarios:
You can run the Reset Component Status using either of the following methods:
After resetting the component status, you must perform the following tasks:
By default, the values of these parameters are set to TRUE.
Following are the valid configuration settings:
doFloppyScan = FALSE
The Inventory scanner will not scan for the floppy drive.
doDMIFloppyScan = FALSE The Inventory scanner will scan for the floppy drive but will not scan from DMI. The floppy drive can be scanned from WMI or Probe.
doWMIFloppyScan = FALSE The Inventory scanner will scan for the floppy drive but will not scan from WMI. The floppy drive can be scanned from DMI or Probe.
doWMIFloppyScan = FALSE doDMIFloppyScan = FALSE The Inventory scanner will scan for the floppy drive but will not scan from WMI and DMI. The floppy drive can be scanned only from Probe.
doLogicalDriveScan = FALSE The Inventory scanner will not scan for the logical drives.
doWMILogicalDriveScan = FALSE The Inventory scanner will scan for the logical drives but will not scan from WMI. The logical drive is scanned from Probe.
To disable scanning of DMI, edit the Inventory_server_installation_path\PUBLIC\ZENWORKS\
SCANSOURCE.INI file to add the following entry in the [SOURCE] section:
By default, the SCANSOURCE.INI file does contain this entry indicating that the DMI scanning is enabled.
On the Inventory server, edit the PUBLIC\ZENWORKS\SCANSOURCE.INI file to add the following entry in the [SOURCE] section:
The value of interval_for_full_scan must be between 5 and 100.
For example, if the value of FullScanSchedule is set to 10, the Inventory scanner will send a full scan after every ten delta scans.