The ZENworks Adaptive Agent provides three ways for you to access the bundles that are assigned to you: the ZENworks Window, ZENworks Explorer, and the ZENworks Icon.
The ZENworks Window is a standalone window that you can launch from the Start menu (
> > > ).The ZENworks Window left pane displays the following:
[All] folder: Contains all bundles that have been distributed to you, regardless of the folder in which they are located.
ZENworks folder: Contains all bundles that have not been assigned to a different folder. The ZENworks folder is the default folder for bundles; however, your administrator can create additional folders in which to organize bundles, and can even rename the ZENworks folder.
When you select a folder in the left pane, the right pane displays the bundles that are contained within the folder. You can:
Install a bundle or launch an application for an already installed bundle.
View the properties of a bundle. The properties include a description of the bundle, information about people to contact for help with the bundle, the times when the bundle is available for use, and the system requirements established for the bundle.
Repair an installed application.
Uninstall an application. This is an administrator-controlled feature that might not be enabled.
ZENworks Explorer is an extension to Windows Explorer that enables bundles to be displayed in Windows Explorer, on the desktop, on the Start menu, on the Quick Launch toolbar, and in the notification area. The following graphic shows bundles displayed in Windows Explorer.
The following graphic shows bundles displayed on the desktop.
You can perform the same tasks on the bundles in the ZENworks Explorer as you can in the ZENworks Window.
The ZENworks Icon is located in the Windows notification area. You can double-click the icon to display the ZENworks Adaptive Agent properties. Located in the left navigation pane, the Bundles link lets you view the bundles that are assigned to you and to your device.
The bundle list includes the following information:
Name: Displays the name of the bundle. Click the name to display the properties for the bundle, including such information as the version, folder and icon locations, help contacts, and the time schedules. Based on the configuration of the schedules for the bundle in ZENworks Control Center, the time schedules are as follows:
Status: Displays the installation status for the bundle.
Displays whether or not the bundle can be used on the device. If the to launch the bundle.
If the box is not selected, it cannot be used; to find out why, click the bundle name to display the system requirements and schedule properties.