The migration log file can be used to track the status of the migration. You can view the file by using a Windows tail program or an application such as dbgview.exe.
To view the log file using dgbview.exe, refer to the application’s documentation for configuring and viewing log file data.
Procedures for viewing the log file data using a Windows tail program follow:
Download a Windows tail program and install it on the Engine host or the Cross-Empire Data Migration enabled Agent tasked with the migration.
To verify that the Agent is Cross-Empire Data Migration enabled, refer to the Agent page in SMAdmin. For more information, see Section 13.1.16, Agents.
Do one of the following:
If the server to which you are migrating data is running a Cross-Empire Data Migration capable Agent, or is set up to be proxied by a Cross-Empire Data Migration capable Agent, at the Agent server, use the Windows tail application to open the log file at:
C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Storage Manager\Agent\log\smagent.log
If the server to which you are migrating data is not running a Cross-Empire Data Migration capable Agent, and is not set up to be proxied by a Cross-Empire Data Migration capable Agent, at the Engine server, use the Windows tail application to open the log file at:
C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Storage Manager\Engine\log\smengine.log
Refer to the log file during the migration to view the status.