This command displays the end of a datagrid file.
zos tail [--retry] [--bytes=] [--follow] [--by-name] [--follow-retry] [--lines=] [--max-unchanged=] [--jobid=] [--sleep-interval=] [--refresh=] [--count=] [--timeout=] [--quiet] path
The path on the datagrid.
Continues trying to open the file if it is not yet accessible.
Generate file output of the specified number of bytes only. The user must enter a value with this option.
Follow the file, watching for newly appended data.
If following a file, periodically reopen the file.
The same as --follow --by-name --retry
Generate file output of the specified number of lines only. The user must enter a value with this option.
The number of size checks between reopening a followed file (used with --by-name only). The user must enter a value with this option.
If following a file, follow until the specified job terminates. The user must enter a value with this option.
The frequency of file size checks in seconds when following a file. The user must enter a value with this option.
Server connection refresh rate. The user must enter a value with this option.
Maximum number of lines/bytes to display.
The maximum number of seconds to follow a file.
Suppress all warning and informational messages.
Specifies the terminal width for formatting. The user must enter a value with this option.
Displays a help message for this operation.
Turns on debug output during this operation.
Turns on verbose output during this operation.
Force TLS/SSL encryption [on|off]. The user must enter a value with this option.
Port number for TLS/SSL connections. The user must enter a value with this option.
Force acceptance of new TLS server certificates.
Force acceptance of all TLS server certificates.
To display the last 5 lines of grid:///!benchmark.jdl, use the following command:
zos tail -n 5 grid:///!benchmark/benchmark.jdl
To display the last 5 lines of grid:///!benchmark.jdl in an alternative way, use the following command:
zos tail -5 grid:///!benchmark/benchmark.jdl
To follow a file in (approximately) real time, use the following command:
zos tail -f grid:///^myjob/job.log
To continually watch the job log of the latest job, use the following command:
zos tail --follow --by-name --retry grid:///!/lastjob/job.log
To watch the job log of job myname.myjob.123 while it runs, use the following command:
zos tail -F -J myname.myjob.123 grid:///^myname.myjob.123/job.log