
This command lists all of the available jobs and arguments.


zos joblist [--detail] [--description]


-e, --detail

Displays detailed job information for each job.

-D, --description

Displays a description for each job.

-C, --cols=<value>

Specifies the terminal width for formatting. The user must enter a value with this option.

-h, --help

Displays a help message for this operation.

-d, --debug

Turns on debug output during this operation.

-v, --verbose

Turns on verbose output during this operation.

-z, --tls=<value>

Force TLS/SSL encryption [on|off]. The user must enter a value with this option.

-Z, --tlsPort=<value>

Port number for TLS/SSL connections. The user must enter a value with this option.

-y, --tlsYesNew

Force acceptance of new TLS server certificates.

-Y, --tlsYesAll

Force acceptance of all TLS server certificates.


Example 1

To generate a listing of all runnable jobs, you would use the following command:

zos joblist -e