
This command creates a new server instance.


Enter the command using the syntax shown below. Available options are shown in brackets.

zosadmin create [--newdir=] [--upgrade=] [--profile=] [--id=] [--grid=] [--user=] [--passwd=] [--rmiport=] [--rmihost=] [--httpport=] [--adminport=] [--agentport=] [--auditurl=] [--audituser=] [--auditpasswd=] [--cert=] [--key=] [<hostname>]



Specify the hostname to use for this server. The default is the system hostname.


When you add an option, use the syntax in the command line as shown above (where options are shown in their long form). Short and long options for this command are listed below.

-N, --newdir <value>

The location where the new Orchestrate Server should be installed.

-G, --upgrade

Switch the upgrade behavior for snapshot handling.

-e, --profile <value>

Create a new instance based on named profile (the default is server).

-i, --id <value>

Select by kernel ID.

-g, --grid <value>

Select by grid name.

-C, --clusterhost <value>

Hostname of virtual cluster IP resource (for High Availability configuration).

-u, --user <value>

Username used in accessing secure remote sites.

-p, --password <value>

Password used in accessing secure remote sites.

-P, rmiport <value>

Select by RMI port.

-H, --rmihost <value>

Select or specify the RMI host (can be different from server host).

-W, --httpport <value>

Specify the http port used for the User Portal (the default is 80).

-M, --adminport <value>

Specify the http port used for Administrative Information Portal (default 8001).

-A, --agentport <value>

Specify the communication port for agent connections (default 8100).

-X, --auditurl <value>

Specify the connection URL to a PostgreSQL database (for example, jdbc:postgresql://localhost/zos_db).

-Y, --audituser <value>

Specify the audit database user.

-Z, --auditpasswd <value>

Specify the audit database password.

-k, --cert <value>

Specify the .pem file containing the new server’s TLS certificate.

-K, --key <value>

Specify the .pem file containing the new server’s TLS key.

-v, --verbose

Turns on verbose output during this operation.

-V, --debug

Turns on debug output during this operation.

-h, --help

Displays a help message for this operation.


Example 1

To create a new server instance in the install directory (default), use the following command:

zosadmin create

Example 2

To create a new server instance using host name, use the following command:

zosadmin create 

Example 3

To create a new server instance in the /zos/myserver/ directory, use the following command:

zosadmin create --newdir=/zos/myserver 

Example 4

To create a new upgraded server instance in an existing directory (/zos/myserver/), use the following command:

zosadmin create --newdir=/zos/myserver --upgrade 

IMPORTANT:This command removes the previous server instance data from the directory.

Example 5

To create an upgraded server and reuse saved tls certificates, use the following command:

zosadmin create --newdir=/zos/myserver --upgrade --cert=/tls/cert.pem