This command lists all of the running servers.
Enter the command using the syntax shown below. Available options are shown in brackets.
zosadmin list [--grid=] [--id=] [--server=] [--rmiport] [--rmipath] [--rmihost=] [--rmiurl=] [--timeout=]
When you add an option, use the syntax in the command line as shown above (where options are shown in their long form). Short and long options for this command are listed below.
Select by grid name.
Select by kernel ID.
Select by host name.
Select by RMI port.
Select or specify the RMI bind path.
Select or specify the RMI host (can be different from <server host>).
Select by full RMI URL.
Sets the query timeout (in seconds).
Turn on debug output during this operation.
Turn on verbose output during this operation.
Display a help message for this operation.