3.2 Accessing the Framework Console

  1. Open a Web browser on your chosen platform.

  2. In the address bar, enter the URL for the Framework Console as follows:


    Replace <hostname> with one of the following:

    • The DNS name of the server where the Framework Manager is installed.

    • The DNS name of a server that has the Administration Agent package installed.

  3. If you are presented with a security alert, verify the details and select Yes to continue.

  4. If your browser is not already equipped with Adobe Flash Player, the browser attempts to install it. Verify the details and select Install to continue.

    A reboot or browser restart might be required.

  5. Log in to the Framework Console.

    After you enter the URL for the Framework Console, the initial logon screen is displayed in the browser window. You must authenticate to the system by using a username and password defined on the system.

  6. (Conditional) If this is the first time to log in to the console, specify the username admin and password novell, then click Logon.

  7. (Conditional) If this is the first time to log in to the Framework Console, you are prompted to change the default password.

    Your new password should be a minimum of six characters. If the new password is acceptable to the system, you are logged in to the console.

    IMPORTANT:To navigate in the Framework Console, do not use your browser’s Forward or Back buttons; use the trail at the top of each page, such as:

    Home / Compliance Auditor

    Click Home to return to main console menu.

  8. Continue with Section 3.3, Installing a Novell Privileged User Manager License.