PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Upgrade Guide

This guide provides information about upgrading your PlateSpin Forge® appliance version 2.5 product.


This documentation is intended for data center managers, and IT or operations administrators. It assumes that users of the product have the following background:

The contents of this guide are of interest to IT personnel, data center system administrators, or any other persons who are responsible for the deployment of hardware in your environment.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 hardware appliance administrators and users should refer to the PlateSpin Forge 2.5 User Guide for information on the day-to-day functionality of the unit.


We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the online documentation, or submit your comments through the Novell Documentation Feedback site.

Documentation Updates

For the most recent version of this text, visit the PlateSpin Forge version 2.5 Web site.

Additional Documentation

This guide is part of the PlateSpin Forge® documentation set. Below is a complete list of the set:

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Release Notes

Provides late-breaking information, as well as information about known issues and suggested workarounds.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Getting Started Guide

Provides information about installing the product and performing the initial configuration.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 User Guide

Provides information about using the product in your workload protection projects.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Upgrade Guide

Provides information on upgrading the forge unit, both from downloaded files and using a PlateSpin Forge USB stick.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Integrated Help

The User Guide in compiled HTML help format, integrated with the product.

PlateSpin Forge 2.5 Online Documentation

All product documentation in WebHelp format for browser-based access over the Internet. This distribution should contain the latest updates at all times.

Additional Resources

We encourage you to use the following additional resources on the Web:

Technical Support

You can also visit the PlateSpin Technical Support Web site.

Documentation Conventions

In Novell documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and items in a cross-reference path.

A trademark symbol (®, ™, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party trademark.