Updating an Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2015 SP1 Linux server is essentially the same as updating a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4 server except that you apply patches for both SLES 11 SP4 and OES 2015 SP1.
To update your server with the patches released from Novell requires you to perform the following tasks during the installation or upgrade or after the installation or upgrade is complete. The instructions in this section are for patching the server after the installation or upgrade is complete.
Section 8.1, Overview of Updating (Patching)
Section 8.2, Preparing the Server for Updating
Section 8.3, Registering the Server in the Novell Customer Center
Section 8.4, Updating the Server
Section 8.5, Verifying That Your Repository Subscriptions Are Up-to-Date
Section 8.6, Frequently Asked Questions about Updating
Section 8.7, Patching From Behind a Proxy Server
Section 8.8, GUI Based Patching
Section 8.9, Using SUSE Manager to Patch an OES Server
Section 8.10, Installing the Latest iManager NPMs After Applying OES Patches
Section 8.11, Restarting the OES Instance of Tomcat After Applying a Tomcat Update