Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2015 SP1 is an add-on product to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP4. When you install and configure OES, you can also install and configure SLES 11 SP4. Therefore, it is helpful to understand how to perform a SLES 11 SP4 installation. This section provides information on the integrated installation of SLES 11 SP4 and OES 2015 SP1.
For detailed information on performing a SLES installation, see the SLES 11 SP4 Deployment Guide.
HINT:You can also use the integrated iso (OES2015-SP1-addon_with_SLES11-SP4-x86_64-DVD.iso) for OES 2015 SP1 installation. This ISO has both OES 2015 SP1 and SLES 11 SP4. When you use this ISO, you are not require to select OES as an add-on product in the Installation Mode screen.
This section does not provide step-by-step installation instructions because the installation interface is mostly self-explanatory. It does, however, provide information about important steps in the process that might require additional explanation.