This guide describes how to use QuickFinder Server to add search functionality to your Internet or intranet Web site. It is divided into the following sections:
Section 4.0, Migrating QuickFinder Server from NetWare to OES 11 SP3
Section 5.0, Running QuickFinder Server in a Virtualized Environment
Section 6.0, Configuring QuickFinder Server for Novell Cluster Services
Section 7.0, Configuring QuickFinder Server Default and Services Settings
Section 9.0, Synchronizing Data Across Multiple QuickFinder Servers
Section 12.0, Working with Template Variables and Search Parameters
Section 15.0, Security Considerations for QuickFinder Server
Section B.0, Combined Character Sets for Use with QuickFinder
This guide is intended for anyone involved in installing, managing, and using QuickFinder Server to create search services.
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