Novell Domain Services for Windows Best Practices Guide

This guide describes the best practices and guidelines for deploying Novell Domain Services for Windows. It addresses common challenges faced by organizations in DSfW infrastructure decision-making. It does not attempt to cover all possible scenarios of deployment, and there may be unique requirements that might need the support of Novell Services Deployment Consultants. This guide is not a replacement for any training material. We highly recommend that you read the related product documentation.

This guide is divided into the following sections:


This guide is primarily intended for Novell Solution Deployment Consultants and DSfW Administrators with a thorough functional understanding of DSfW.


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Documentation Updates

For the most recent version of the DSfW Best Practices Guide, visit the OES 11 SP3 documentation website.

Additional Documentation

For information about security issues and recommendations for Novell Domain Services for Windows, see the OES 11 SP3: Novell Domain Services for Windows Security Guide.