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Trying Out NLSP on Your IPX Internetwork

This topic provides quick, easy-to-implement migration solutions for those who want to see immediate benefits of NLSP software on their IPX internetwork. This approach enables you to test drive NLSP before migrating your entire IPX internetwork. Each solution also provides ways to measure server and network performance before and after migration.

This topic includes the following sections:

Trying Out NLSP on a Single NetWare LAN

This section explains how to see the benefits of NLSP on a small NetWare LAN.

Choosing the LAN

Choose a LAN with the following characteristics:

Figure 1 shows two connected LANs that satisfy these criteria.

Figure 1
Example NetWare LANs

Measuring LAN and Server Performance (Optional)

Before you migrate the servers, use any of the following NetWare software to examine server and network performance:

Migrating the Servers

To migrate the servers on the LAN, complete the following steps:

  1. Install and configure IPX Upgrade for NetWare Servers 6.5a on each server in any order .

    For instructions, refer to the README file .

  2. Reexamine server and network performance with the same software you used in Measuring LAN and Server Performance (Optional).
  3. Compare these performance statistics with those you observed before migrating the servers.

Trying Out NLSP on a Point-to-Point WAN Connection

This section explains how to see the benefits of NLSP on a simple point-to-point WAN connection linked by two NetWare servers or dedicated routers running version 2.x of Novell® multiprotocol routing software.

Choosing the Connection

Choose a point-to-point WAN connection with the following characteristics:

Figure 2 shows a WAN connection that satisfies these criteria.

Figure 2
Example Point-to-Point WAN Connection

Measuring Connection Performance (Optional)

Before you migrate the systems, check the performance of the connection as follows:

  1. Pick a large data file---at least 3 MB.
  2. Copy the file to the system at the other end of the connection.
  3. Determine how long it took to copy the file across the connection. Record this number.

Migrating the Systems at Each End of the Connection

Complete the following steps to migrate the systems:

  1. Upgrade the systems at each end of the connection to Novell Internet Access Server 4.1.

    NLSP runs RIP and SAP automatically until you have upgraded both systems.

  2. Enable NLSP routing on each system.

    For detailed configuration instructions, refer to Setting Up in the IPX documentation.

  3. Copy the same file you used in Measuring Connection Performance (Optional). to measure performance across the connection.
  4. Determine how long it took to copy the file.
  5. Compare this transit time with the one you recorded before migrating the systems.

Examining the Operation of Your NLSP Systems

After you migrate a portion of your internetwork to NLSP, you can gain management access to the NLSP systems with the IPX network management console (IPXCON). IPXCON allows you to monitor the operation of local and remote systems for troubleshooting, checking configuration parameters, and observing general performance and load statistics.

You can also use the IPXPING utility to check the connectivity and latency ---response time over the internetwork---of remote NLSP systems.

For information about how to use IPXCON and IPXPING, refer to Managing in the IPX documentation.

Where to Go from Here

If you want to migrate other portions of your IPX internetwork, proceed to Developing a Migration Strategy. That topic helps you develop an organized and comprehensive strategy that suits the size and topology of your internetwork.

If you have migrated all the systems you want---or need---to migrate at this time, you are done.

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