NOTE:Net Folder sharing is limited to individual files. Folders in Net Folders cannot be shared.
Shared-access rights are how you define which users are allowed to do what with the files and folders that you share with them.
You can grant users the following rights when you share files and folders with them:
Viewer: Users can do the following:
Shared Folders: View
Shared Subfolders: View
Files in Folders and Subfolders: View and Read
Editor: Users can do the following:
Shared Folders: View
Shared Subfolders: View
Files in Folders and Subfolders: View, Read, and Write
Contributor (Applies only to folders in My Files): Users can do the following:
Shared Folders: View, Rename, Delete, or Copy
Shared Subfolders: View, Rename, Delete, Copy, and Move
Files in Folders and Subfolders: View, Rename, Delete, Copy, Move, Read, and Write
Allow re-share with: If you want to allow the share recipient to share the item with other users, you can select from the following re-share rights:
Internal users: Can re-share items with internal Filr users.
External users: Can re-share items with external Filr users.
Public: Can re-share items with the public.
File Link: Can re-share items by distributing a File Link, as described in Section 3.4, Distributing a Link to a File.