Filr administrators need to have a good understanding of how Filr leverages the file system and other rights that are already in place, and also how user rights to use Filr functionality are determined.
Section 4.1, Filr Authentication
Section 4.2, Access to Files and Folders Is Controlled by the File System
Section 4.3, Access Permissions and Filr
Section 4.4, Net Folder Access Involves Four Roles
Section 4.5, Shared-Access Rights Vs. Net Folder Roles
Section 4.6, User Access Inside Filr
Section 4.7, File Attributes Are Always Honored
Section 4.8, Net Folder Role Requirements Are Rigidly Enforced
Section 4.9, Sharing Rights
Section 4.10, Windows Share Rights Don’t Affect Filr
Section 4.11, Access-based Enumeration (Windows) Doesn’t Affect Filr