Establishing a VPN Connection

VPN Client for Linux lets you establish a connection with a Nortel Contivity server and Standard IPsec gateways. You can do this using either the Graphical User Interface (GUI) or Command Line Interface (CLI) option.

IMPORTANT:  The CLI and GUI options might not interact properly. We recommend using either of the options at a time.

Using the Client with a GUI

To launch VPN client GUI,

  1. From the NLD main menu, select Programs > VPN Login.

    Launching VPN Client

    The Novell VPN Client dialog is displayed and the VPN icon appears in the system tray.

    VPN Client dialog box

    HINT:  KDE users might not be able to launch VPN Client as mentioned above. If you are a KDE user, launch VPN Client using the command vpnlogin at the command prompt.

Use the VPN Client dialog to set up VPN connection to a Nortel Contivity server or a Standard IPsec Gateway by selecting a profile from the Profile Name field.

NOTE:  If you do not have a profile already or want to create a new profile, select Profile Manager instead. For details, refer to Connection Profiles.

Connecting to a Standard IPsec Gateway

Copying the User Certificate

Copy your user certificate in .pfx format to the following path:

/user's home directory/.turnpike/usercerts

Connecting to the Gateway
  1. In the Profile Name field, select the profile created for a Standard IPsec Gateway connection.

    Connecting to Standard IPSec Gateway

    All the fields in the upper section of the dialog are automatically displayed.

  2. In the Password field, specify the certificate password.

  3. Click Connect.

    The Connection Details tabbed page displays the progress of the connection.

    Connection Details
  4. Click Disconnect if you want to end the connection.

NOTE:  In the case of the VPN connection to a Standard IPsec gateway, after Phase 1 is established, any data going to the network is encrypted.

Connecting to Nortel Contivity Server

  1. In the Profile Name field, select the profile created for connecting to a Nortel Contivity server.

    Connecting to Nortel Contivity Server

    The Gateway information is automatically displayed.

  2. In the Nortel Contivity section, specify the following details:

    • Username: The name of the user who requires the connection.

    • User Password: The user password.

  3. Click Connect.

    The Connection Details tabbed page displays the progress of the connection.

    Connection Details
  4. Click Disconnect if you want to end the connection.

Using the Client with a CLI

VPN Client provides a CLI (Command Line Interface) to carry out the major VPN functions.

After installing VPN Client for Linux, run vpnc help by entering the following:

vpnc -h

This lists all the CLI commands and the available options, described in the following table:

Option Description

vpnc -c

Connects to the VPN gateway in the PROFILENAME.

vpnc -d

Disconnects from the VPN gateway.

vpnc -h

Displays the VPN Client help.

vpnc -l

Lists the available profiles along with their gateway types.

vpnc -v

Displays a detailed log when used with the connect option as follows: vpnc -v -c

Creating Profiles Using a CLI

You cannot create connection profiles using the CLI feature. Profiles must be created and edited using the GUI. For details, refer to Connection Profiles

Connecting to the Gateway Using a CLI

IMPORTANT:  VPN Client for Linux allows only one connection at a time.

To connect to the gateway, enter any of the following commands:

vpnc -c profile

vpnc --connect profile

vpnc -v -c profile

vpnc --verbose --connect profile

HINT:  Use the command vpnc -l for the list of all available profiles along with their gateway types.

Disconnecting from the Server

To disconnect from the server, enter the following command:

vpnc -d