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Migrating Data from NetWare 4, 5, or 6

When you migrate data from a NetWare® 4, NetWare 5, or NetWare 6 source server to a NetWare destination server, Novell® NetWare Migration Wizard 6 copies the file system and NDS® database from the source server to the newly installed NetWare destination server.

After the source server's file system and NDS database is migrated to the destination server, the source server is automatically brought down and the destination server reboots and assumes the name and identity of the source server on your existing network.

How the temporary destination server takes over the name and identity of the source server during the migration

Before you can migrate your data, you must first install a destination NetWare server in a temporary NDS tree. A temporary tree is simply a tree that contains one server with a basic installation of NetWare and no additional products installed (other than SMSTM or any other default products).

To migrate data from NetWare 4, NetWare 5, or NetWare 6, complete the following tasks in the order they are listed.

  1. Meet System and Software Requirements
  2. Run Migration Wizard
  3. Perform Post-Migration Tasks

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