Novell Client 2.0 SP1 for Linux Administration Guide

  Novell Client 2.0 SP1 for Linux Administration Guide
    Understanding the Novell Client for Linux
      Understanding How the Novell Client for Linux Differs from the Novell Client for Windows 2000/XP
      Understanding the Novell Client for Linux Virtual File System
    Configuring the Novell Client for Linux
      Using the Novell Client Configuration Wizard
      Using Configuration Files to Preconfigure the Novell Client
    Managing Login
      Setting Up Integrated Login
      Setting Up Login Scripts
      Setting Up Login Restrictions
      Using OpenSLP to Simplify Login
    Managing File Security
      Checking File or Folder Rights
      Changing Trustee Rights
      Adding a Trustee
      Removing a Trustee
      Combining Multiple Trustees
    Security Considerations
      Security Features
      Known Security Threats
      Security Characteristics
      New and Modified Files
      Other Security Considerations
    Compiling the Novell Client Virtual File System Kernel Module
      Installing the Required Packages
      Compiling the Novell Client Virtual File System Kernel Module
    The Novell Client for Linux Command Line Utilities
      Shell Commands
      GUI Utilities
      Using the Novell Client for Linux Man Pages
    Novell Client for Linux Man Pages
      gnwlogin (1)
      login.conf (4)
      mapdrives.conf (4)
      ncl_control (8)
      ncl_install (8)
      ncl_man (1)
      ncl_tray (1)
      nwconnections (1)
      nwcopy (1)
      nwflag (1)
      nwlogin (1)
      nwlogout (1)
      nwmap (1)
      nwpurge (1)
      nwrights (1)
      nwsalvage (1)
      nwsend (1)
      StartupLogin.conf (4)
      StartupMaps.conf (4)
    Documentation Updates
      August 19, 2008
    Legal Notices