B.0 Using HTML Markup in Vibe

Vibe lets you add HTML markup into the following locations of the Vibe interface:

You can add the following HTML markup items:

Markup Text



Displays the title of the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the name of the user who is viewing the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the user ID of the user who is currently viewing the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the name of the user who created the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the user ID of the user who created the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the date that the entry, folder, or workspace was created.


Displays the name of the user who last modified the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the user ID of the user who last modified the entry, folder, or workspace.


Displays the date that the entry, folder, or workspace was last modified.


Displays the value of the specified data item. Data items are elements that have been added to the form or view definition by using the Form and View Designer. Replace dataName with the data name of the element that you want to show.

For a list of elements, see Section 9.5, Understanding Elements.

For more information about how to use the Form and View Designer to create custom forms and views, see Section 7.0, Creating Custom Workspace Views, Section 8.0, Creating Custom Folder Views, and Section 9.0, Designing Custom Folder Entry Forms.

{{vibe:permalink | link}}

Displays a permalink to the current entry, folder, or workspace. Replace link with the text that you want to be displayed. This is the text users will click to navigate to the entry, folder, or workspace.

This markup option is most useful when it is used in the Subject line of a workflow notification email. For example, the Subject line might read, A workflow change occurred in entry. The user can then click entry in the Subject line of the notification to be taken directly to the entry.

{{vibe:image | imageName | alt=... | height=... | width=... | border=0 or 1}}

Displays the image that you specify. Replace imageName with the file name of the image that you want to display. Images must be attached to the entry, folder, or workspace.

For information on how to attach entries, see Attaching Files to a Folder Entry, Modifying a Folder, and Modifying a Workspace in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 User Guide.

If you want to specify a custom size, you can add the alt, height, and width arguments. These arguments are optional.

{{vibe:file | filename | title}}

Displays a link to a file. The file must be attached to the entry, folder, or workspace.

For information on how to attach entries, see Attaching Files to a Folder Entry, Modifying a Folder, and Modifying a Workspace in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 User Guide.

For example, {{vibe:file | tree.jpg | tree}} outputs the word tree as a link to the tree.jpg file.

[[entry title]]

Creates a link to the entry that you specify. You must specify the exact name of the entry.

For more information about creating links in Vibe, see Linking to a Folder or Folder Entry in the Kablink Vibe 4.0.1 User Guide.