srvprvAllowMgrInitiate |
A flag that indicates if the manager is allowed to initiate a provisioning request. |
srvprvAllowMgrRetract |
A flag to indicate if the manager is allowed to retract a provisioning request. |
srvprvAllowMgrSetAvailability |
A flag that indicates whether the manager can set a proxy for the team. |
srvprvAllowMgrSetDelegate |
A flag to indicate if the manager is allowed to set delegates for a provisioning request. |
srvprvAllowMgrSetProxy |
A flag to indicate if the manager is allowed to set a team proxy. |
srvprvAllowMgrTaskClaim |
A flag to indicate if the manager is allowed to claim a provisioning approval task. |
srvprvAllowMgrTaskReassign |
A flag to indicate if the manager is allowed to reassign a provisioning approval task. |
srvprvAllRequests |
A flag to indicate if the assignment covers all provisioning request definitions for a team. |
srvprvAOLIMAddress |
AOL IM address. |
srvprvAssetRef |
Representation of the aggregate asset properties for a named asset associated to a user via the srvprvAssetRecipientAux class. |
srvprvAssignExpiration |
Time at which a proxy or delegate assignment expires. |
srvprvAssignFromContainer |
Container subjects of a proxy or delegate assignment. |
srvprvAssignFromGroup |
Group subjects of a proxy or delegate assignment. |
srvprvAssignFromUser |
User subjects of a proxy or delegate assignment. |
srvprvAssignStartTime |
Time at which a delegation assignment takes effect. |
srvprvAssignToRelationship |
A target relationship of a delegate assignment. |
srvprvAssignToUser |
The User targets of a proxy or delegate assignment. |
srvprvAutoDisplayTeam |
Automatically display team members. |
srvprvCapabilities1-5 |
Listing of skills for a user. |
srvprvCategoryKey |
Associates a given Provisioning Request Definition to a set of provisioning categories. Values are keys to a srvprvChoice instance. |
srvprvCurrentDelegatees |
The delegations associated with a user. |
srvprvCurrentDelegators |
The delegations associated with a user. |
srvprvDefaultTheme |
The default theme. |
srvprvDelegateeDef |
The delegates definition DN. |
srvprvDelegationDef |
The delegation definition DN. |
srvprvDelegators |
The users who are defined as delegators by this assignment. |
srvprvEntitlementRef |
Reference to a DirXML-Entitlement. |
srvprvEntityType |
Specifies Directory Abstraction Layer Entity definition type. |
srvprvFlowStrategy |
Specifies the flow invocation strategy to be used for the Provisioning Request Definition. |
srvprvGrant |
Flag which if true specifies that the Provisioning Request Definition supports a Grant operation. |
srvprvGroupwiseIMAddress |
Groupwise IM address. |
srvprvHideAttributes |
Flag indicating if certain attributes should be hidden and not displayed. |
srvprvHideUser |
Flag indicating if the user should be hidden when search list queries are executed. |
srvprvIMAddress |
Instant Messenger address. |
srvprvIsTaskManager |
Indicates if user is a task group manager. |
srvprvLocalizedDescrs |
Provides set of localized description strings for the provisioning web applications, Designers and iManager. |
srvprvLocalizedNames |
Provides set of localized display name strings for the provisioning web applications, Designers and iManager. |
srvprvManager |
Indicates users who are managers. |
srvprvManagerGroup |
Indicates a group containing managers. |
srvprvManagerNotMember |
Indicates that the manager is not a member of the team. |
srvprvMember |
Indicates users who are team members. |
srvprvMemberContainer |
The name of the container containing team members. |
srvprvMemberGroup |
The name of the group containing team members. |
srvprvMemberRelationship |
The name of the directory abstraction layer relationship that determines members based attribute in manager object. |
srvprvModified |
Flag to indicate changes to definitions object instances in the directory model container. |
srvprvNotificationPrefs |
Defines the set of notification types users want to receive. |
srvprvPreferredLocale |
Users preferred locale. |
srvprvProcessXML |
XML document representing a Provisioning process definition including Workflow and Provisioning Action. |
srvprvQueryList |
List of saved query/search criteria. |
srvprvRelationship |
Defines relationships between objects in the identity vault. |
srvprvRequest |
Exposes one item to be granted or revoked, including the workflow process which defines the run-time aspects of the Workflow and Provisioning Target. |
srvprvRequestDefName |
The provisioning request definition name associated with a delegate definition. |
srvprvRequestScope |
The scope of provisioning requests. |
srvprvRequestXML |
XML document representing the initial request form and its data bindings. |
srvprvRevoke |
If true, this flag specifies that the Provisioning Request Definition supports a Revoke operation. |
srvprvStatus |
Specifies the status of the Provisioning Object Supported values. |
srvprvTaskGroups |
Groups for which the user is a task manager. |
srvprvTaskManager |
Task manager of the task group. |
srvprvTaskScopeAddressee |
The addressee’s task scope. |
srvprvTaskScopeRecipient |
The recipient’s task scope. |
srvprvTeam |
The container for team definitions. |
srvprvUser |
The users associated with a delegation assignment. |
srvprvUUID |
Unique identifier for portlet. |
srvprvYahooIMAddress |
Yahoo* IM address. |