Start your database. Refer to your database documentation for directions.
Start the User Application server (JBoss). At the command line, make the installation directory your working directory and execute the following script (provided by the User Application installation): (Linux and Solaris)
start-jboss.bat (Windows)
If you need to stop the application server, use or stop-jboss.bat, or close the window in which or start-jboss.bat is running.
If you are not running on an X11 Window System, you need to include the - Djava.awt.headless=true flag in your server startup script. This is necessary for running reports. For example, you might include this line in your script:
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -server -Xms256M -Xmx256M-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
Start the User Application driver. This enables communication to the User Application driver.
Log into iManager.
In the Roles and Tasks display in the left navigation frame, select
under .In the content view that appears, specify the driver set that contains the User Application driver, then click
. A graphic appears, showing the driver set with its associated drivers.Click the red and white icon on the driver.
. The driver status changes to the yin-yang symbol, indicating that the driver is now started.The driver, upon starting, attempts a “handshake” with the User Application. If your application server isn’t running or if the WAR wasn’t successfully deployed, the driver returns an error.
To launch and log in to the User Application, use your Web browser to go to the following URL:
http:// hostname: port/ ApplicationName
In this URL, hostname: port is the application server hostname (for example, and the port is your application server’s port (for example, 8080 by default on JBoss). ApplicationName is IDM by default. You specified the application name during the install when you provided application server configuration information.
The Novell Identity Manager User Application landing page should appear.
In the upper right corner of that page, click
to log in to the User Application.If the Identity Manager User Application page does not appear in your browser after completing these steps, check the terminal console for error messages and refer to Section 7.12, Troubleshooting.