Novell® Identity Manager 3 is a data sharing and synchronization service that enables applications, directories, and databases to share information. It links scattered information and enables you to establish policies that govern automatic updates to designated systems when identity changes occur. Identity Manager provides the foundation for account provisioning, security, user self-service, authentication, authorization, automated workflow, and Web services. It allows you to integrate, manage, and control your distributed identity information so you can securely deliver the right resources to the right people.
The Linux and UNIX Settings driver automates the process of setting and configuring Linux and UNIX attributes in the Identity Vault.
This guide is organized into the following sections:
This guide is for system administrators who plan, install, configure, and use the Linux and UNIX Settings driver. This guide assumes that you are familiar with Identity Manager architecture, managing Identity Manager drivers, setting up a connected system, and administering policies. For detailed information about these topics, see the Identity Manager 3.0 Administration Guide and the Policy Builder and Driver Customization Guide. For the most recent version of these guides and other Identity Manager documentation, go to the Identity Manager 3 Documentation Web site .
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For the most recent version of this guide, visit the Identity Manager Drivers Documentation Web site .
For documentation about Identity Manager, see the Identity Manager 3 Documentation Web site .
For documentation on other Identity Manager drivers, see the Identity Manager Drivers Documentation Web site.
For details about using iManager, see the Novell iManager documentation Web site.
For documentation about OES, see the Novell OES documentation Web site.
For details about RFC 2307, see the Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives Web site entry.
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