Internet Agent Clustering Worksheet

Item Explanation

1) Resource Group for Internet Agent:

Network name:
IP address:
Physical disk:
File share:
MTA service resource:
Internet Agent service resource:
Possible owners:

Specify the information for the Internet Agent resource group.

For more information, see Planning the Internet Agent Resource Group.

2) Internet Agent Domain Name:

Domain Directory:

Specify a unique name for the Internet Agent domain. Specify the directory on the physical disk that belongs to the Internet Agent resource group where you want to create the new domain.

For more information, see Planning a Domain for the Internet Agent.

4) MTA Installation Location:

  • Shared disk of the Internet Agent resource group
  • Each node in the cluster

    Consolidate MTA startup files?

Mark the location where you will install the MTA software. If necessary, specify the location where you will consolidate the MTA startup files from the various nodes where the Internet Agent is installed.

For more information, see Deciding Where to Install the Internet Agent and Its MTA.

5) MTA Network Information:

MTA IP address:
MTA message transfer port:
MTA live remote port:

Gather the MTA network address information from the Internet Agent section of the Network Address Worksheet.

For more information, see Planning Cluster-Unique Port Numbers for the Internet Agent and Its MTA.

6) Internet Agent Installation Location:

  • Shared disk in the Internet Agent resource group
  • Each node in the cluster

    Consolidate configuration files?

Mark the location where you will install the Internet Agent software.

If necessary, specify the location on the shared disk of the Internet Agent resource group where you will consolidate the Internet Agent configuration files (gwia.cfg) from the various nodes where it is installed.

For more information, see Deciding Where to Install the Internet Agent and Its MTA.

7) Internet Agent Network Information:

Internet Agent IP address:
Internet Agent HTTP port:

Gather the Internet Agent network address information from the Internet Agent section of the Network Address Worksheet.

For more information, see Planning Cluster-Unique Port Numbers for the Internet Agent and Its MTA.