GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 4

1.0 Issues Resolved by Version 12.0.4

Some of the issues identified in the initial release of GroupWise 2012 have been resolved with this release. For a list of the resolved issues, see the change log on the 12.0.4 download page.

2.0 Continuing Issues in GroupWise 12.0.4

Some of the issues that were discovered in previous versions of GroupWise 2012 have not yet been resolved. Review the following Readme documents for more information:

3.0 Known Issues in Version 12.0.4

3.1 Internationalization Characters are Lost When Unzipping Attached Files

When downloading files from WebAccess as a zip file, if international characters are used in the name of the file, the international characters in the filename are lost when the file is unzipped. This is a known issue when using the default Windows zip file integration. You can use an alternate program to unzip the files, or apply the Microsoft Hot Patch found here.

3.2 Sending Email through GMS to External Account Exposes BC Field

When sending email from a mobile device through GroupWise Mobility Service 2.1 or later to an external account, any user in the BC field is exposed if the source MIME is inspected. This does not happen in GroupWise Mobility Service 2.0.1 or older versions.

3.3 DVA Cannot Index Password Protected Files

The DVA is unable to index files that are password protected. Because of this, a GroupWise Find cannot find any strings inside password protected files.

4.0 GroupWise System Requirements

GroupWise 2012 system requirements are listed in the GroupWise System Requirements in the GroupWise 2012 Installation Guide.

5.0 Installation

5.1 Linux Installation

5.1.1 Linux Administration Software Installation Instructions

IMPORTANT:If you are installing the GroupWise software in a cluster, refer to the GroupWise 2012 Interoperability Guide for cluster-specific installation instructions before starting to install the GroupWise 2012 software.

  1. Download the GroupWise 2012 SP4 Administration compressed tar file to a temporary directory on your linux server:

  2. In a terminal window at your Linux server, change to the temporary directory, then use the following command to uncompress and untar the downloaded file:

    tar -xvzf file_name.tar.gz

    The files are extracted to the root of the directory.

  3. Become root by entering su - and the root password.

  4. In the directory where you extracted the GroupWise 2012 SP4 files, use the following command to start the GroupWise Installation program:


  5. Click Create or Update GroupWise System.

  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the GroupWise 2012 SP4 software.

    When you install a Support Pack, you can streamline the update process by using the Install option to install the updated RPM for each agent. Typically, you do not need to use the Configure option after installing updated agent software, if the agent configuration has not changed since the previous installation. If you encounter a problem starting the updated agent, use the Configure option to update the configuration information for the agent.

    Update the primary domain first. Start the MTA in the primary domain. Then update secondary domains, followed by the post offices in each domain. Start each MTA and POA for each domain and post office. Then update the other GroupWise agents.

    For additional installation instructions, see the GroupWise 2012 Installation Guide.

5.1.2 Windows Client Installation from the Linux Software Download

The GroupWise Windows client is included in the GroupWise 2012 SP4 Linux software download.

To install the Windows client from the Linux software download:

To install the Windows client from the Linux image:

  1. On the Linux server where the GroupWise 2012 SP4 image is located, create a Samba share of the software distribution directory (/opt/novell/groupwise/software).

  2. On the Windows workstation where you want to install the GroupWise client, map a drive to the Samba share.

  3. Run setup.exe in the \\linux_server\samba_share\software\client directory, as described in Installing the GroupWise Client in the GroupWise 2012 Installation Guide.

For automated distribution of the GroupWise Windows client, SetupIP is also included in the Linux software image. For usage instructions, see Using GroupWise AutoUpdate and SetupIP to Distribute the GroupWise Windows Client in Client in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide.

5.2 Windows Installation

5.2.1 Windows Administration Instructions

IMPORTANT:If you are installing the GroupWise software in a cluster, refer to the GroupWise 2012 Interoperability Guide for cluster-specific installation instructions before starting to install the GroupWise 2012 software.

  1. Download the Windows GroupWise 2012 SP4 compressed executable file to a temporary directory on your Windows server:

  2. Extract the .zip file into a directory at the root of your local drive or to a network server drive that can handle long path names

    The compressed file contains directory paths that could exceed DOS limits.

  3. In Windows Explorer, browse to the directory where you extracted the GroupWise 2012 SP4 file.

  4. Double-click setup.exe to run the GroupWise Installation program.

  5. Click Install GroupWise System.

  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the GroupWise 2012 SP4 software.

    When you install a Support Pack, you can streamline the update process by copying the updated agent software files but not configuring the agents again. In the Installation program, select Install the Software Files, But Do Not Configure the Agents on the Installation Path page when you install the POA, the MTA, and the GWIA.

    Update the primary domain first. Start the MTA in the primary domain. Then update secondary domains, followed by the post offices in each domain. Start each MTA and POA for each domain and post office. Then update the other GroupWise agents.

    For additional instructions, refer to the GroupWise 2012 Installation Guide on the GroupWise 2012 Documentation Web site.

5.2.2 Windows Client Installation Instructions

  1. Download the GroupWise 2012 SP4 Windows Client compressed executable file to a temporary directory on your workstation:

  2. In Windows Explorer, browse to the directory where you downloaded the GroupWise 2012 SP4 Client compressed executable file.

  3. Double-click the downloaded file to extract the GroupWise client software and start the GroupWise client Setup program.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the GroupWise 2012 SP4 client software on your workstation.

    The GroupWise Setup Progress dialog box displays a green bar during the installation process. Occasionally, long pauses might occur. You can also check the activity of the GroupWise client Setup program by viewing the Performance tab of the Windows Task Manager to observe CPU usage.

6.0 GroupWise Documentation

All GroupWise 2012 documentation is available at the GroupWise 2012 Documentation web site. In addition to the GroupWise product documentation, the following resources provide information about GroupWise 2012: