Identifies a GroupWise task.
<Task> <extension base="CalendarItem"> <startDate type="date"/> <dueDate type="date"/> <assignedDate type="date"/> <taskPriority type="string"/> <completed type="boolean"/> <timezone type="Timezone"> <taskTimeOffset type="unsingedInt"/>
Specifies the start date for the task.
Specifies the due date for the task.
Specifies the GroupWise task priority. The task priority values can be from 1-999 or A-Z. It can also be a combination of alphanumeric and numeric. The alphanumeric values need to appear before the numeric values. A1, A111, A999, Z1, Z111, and Z999 are acceptable values.
Specifies if the task is completed.
Specifies the time zone for the task.
Specifies the time offset that the task is due on the due date. The offset is specified from midnight and is entered in seconds.
--For GroupWise 2014 R2 SP1 and later.