IMPORTANT:In a large Filr deployment with multiple Filr appliances, this procedure must be done for each Filr appliance in the Filr system.
Access the Micro Focus Filr appliance at port 9443.
For example, https://ip_address_or_DNS:9443
Use the IP address or DNS name of the server that you specified during the appliance installation.
Log in to the appliance using the vaadmin user and the password that you set.
Click the Filr Server Configuration icon.
The Filr Server Configuration page is displayed.
Click Database.
In the Database Type drop-down, select SQLServer.
Change the Host Name or IP Address and Port fields to match the new host name or IP address and port number for the Microsoft SQL server.
Change the User Name and User Password fields to match that of a user on with sufficient rights on the Microsoft SQL server.
Click OK to save the new database configuration settings.
In the Configuration Summary, verify that the database information has changed.
Click Reconfigure Filr Server.
Repeat this process for each Filr appliance in the Filr system.
Continue with Modifying Liquibase Tables.