Mirrored: Synchronizes objects hierarchically between the local and remote trees. If you choose this option, use the same option for configuring both eDirectory trees you are synchronizing. This option in the driver configuration synchronizes User, Group, Organization, Country, and Organizational Unit objects. It also mirrors the structure of a subtree in the other tree. Flat: Synchronizes all Users and Groups into specific containers. This option synchronizes User and Group objects and places all users in one container and all groups in another container. This option is typically used in conjunction with the Department option (or a similar configuration) in the other tree. This option doesn't create the containers that hold the users and groups. You must create those manually. Department: Synchronize Users and Groups by department (OU). This option synchronizes User and Group objects and places all users and groups in a container based on the Department field in your management console. This configuration is typically used in conjunction with the Flat option (or a similar configuration) in the other tree. This option doesn't create the containers for each department. You must create those manually. They must be the same as the container specified during import. |