3. Content Rule
( arg-conditions , arg-actions , arg-actions ? )
The <do-if> action causes the actions specified by the first <arg-actions> to be performed if the conditions specified by <arg-conditions> evaluate to true or the actions specified by the second <arg-actions> (if it exists) to be performed if the conditions specified by <arg-conditions> evaluate to false.
<do-if> <arg-conditions> <and> <if-op-attr mode="nocase" name="Given Name" op="equal">fred</if-op-attr> </and> </arg-conditions> <arg-actions> <do-add-dest-attr-value name="Surname"> <arg-value type="string"> <token-text>Flintstone</token-text> </arg-value> </do-add-dest-attr-value> </arg-actions> <arg-actions> <do-add-dest-attr-value name="Surname"> <arg-value type="string"> <token-text>Rubble</token-text> </arg-value> </do-add-dest-attr-value> </arg-actions> </do-if>
- arg-conditions
- conditions argument
- arg-actions
- actions argument
Attribute Value(s) Default Value disabled true | false
true if this element is disabledfalse notrace true | false
( arg-conditions , arg-actions , arg-actions ? )
- actions
- actions that are performed by a <rule>
- arg-actions
- actions argument
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