Install Novell Certificate Server |
For the first installation to an eDirectory® tree: - Supervisor at the [Root] ofthe tree
For subsequent installations: - Supervisor to the W0 object
- Rights needed to create a Server Certificate object
If a user doesn't have the rights to create a Server Certificateobject, the installation finishes, but the Server Certificate objectswil need to be created manually by someone with the appropriaterights and applications that use these certificates will need tobe manually configured.
Creating an Organizational CA |
- Supervisor onthe Security container
Viewing the Organizational CA's propertiesand certificates |
- Browse on theOrganizational CA's object
Exporting the Organizational CA's certificate(s) |
- Browse on theOrganizational CA's object
Issuing a public key certificate |
Backing up and restoring an OrganizationalCA |
- Supervisor onthe Organizational CA's object
Moving the Organizational CA to a differentserver |
- Supervisor onthe Organizational CA's object
Validating the Organizational CA's Certificates |
- Browse on theOrganizational CA's object
Replacing the Organizational CA |
- Supervisor onthe Organizational CA's object
Deleting the Organizational CA |
- Delete on theOrganizational CA's object
Creating Server Certificate objects |
- Supervisor onthe server's container
Importing a public key certificate intoa Server Certificate object |
- Write to theattribute NDSPKI:Public Key Certificate onthe Server Certificate object
- Write to the attribute NDSPKI:Certificate Chain onthe Server Certificate Object
Deleting a Server Certificate object |
- Delete on theServer Certificate object
Exporting a Trusted Root or Public KeyCertificate from a Server Certificate object |
- Browse on theServer Certificate object
Viewing the Server Certificate object'sproperties and certificates |
- Browse on theServer Certificate object
Backing up and restoring a Server Certificate object |
- Supervisor onthe server object that owns the Server Certificate object to back-up
- Create on the server object's container to restore.
Validating Server Certificates |
- Browse on theServer Certificate object
Revoking Server Certificates |
- Read to the CAPrivate Key or Delete on the Server Certificate object or Supervisoron the Host Server (i.e. NCP Server object)
Replacing a server certificate's keyingmaterial |
- Write to theattribute NDSPKI:PrivateKey on the server certificateobject
Creating user certificates |
Importing a public key certificate intoa User object |
- Read and Writeon the attribute NDSPKI:userCertificateInfo onthe User object
- Read and Write to the attribute NDSPKI:userCertificate onthe User object
Viewing a user certificate's properties |
Exporting a user certificate |
Exporting a user's private key and certificate |
- You must be loggedin as the user.
Deleting a user certificate and privatekey |
- Read and Writeto NDSPKI:userCertificateInfo
- Read and Write to userCertificate
Validating User Certificates |
Revoking User Certificates |
- Read to the CAPrivate Key or Delete on the User Object or be logged-in as theUser and Write to the userCertificate attribute
Creating a Trusted Root Container |
- Create on theSecurity container
Creating a Trusted Root object |
- Create on theTrusted Root Container in which the Trusted Root object will reside
Viewing a Trusted Root object's properties |
- Browse on theTrusted Root object
Replacing a trusted root certificate |
- Read and Writeto NDSPKI:Not After on the Trusted Root object
- Read and Write to NDSPKI:NotBefore on the Trusted Root object
- Read and Write to NDSPKI:Subject Name on theTrusted Root object
- Read and Write to NDSPKI:Trusted Root Certificate onthe Trusted Root object
Validating a trusted root certificate |
- Browse on theTrusted Root object
Revoking a trusted root certificate |
- Read to the CAPrivate Key or Delete on the Trusted Root Object
Deleting a Trusted Root object |
- Delete on theTrusted Root object
Creating a CRL Container |
- Supervisor onthe Security container
- Write to the attribute ndspkiCRLContainerDN onthe Organizational CA’s object
Deleting a CRL Container |
- Delete on theCRL container
Creating a CRL Configuration object |
- Supervisor onthe CRL container
Activating a CRL Configuration object |
- Write to theattribute ndspkiCRLConfigurationDNList on the OrganizationalCA’s object
Viewing and/or Modifying a CRLConfiguration object's Properties |
Modifying - Supervisor on the CRL Configurationobject or
or - Write to the attribute being modified on the CRLConfiguration object
Viewing - Browse on the CRL Configuration object
Deleting a CRL Configuration object |
- Delete on theCRL Configuration object
Creating a CRL object |
- Supervisor ofthe CRL Configuration object
Exporting a CRL file |
- Read from theattribute certificateRevocationList
Replacing a CRL file |
Viewing a CRL object's properties |
- Browse to theattribute certificateRevocationList
Deleting a CRL object |
- Delete on theCRL Distribution Point
Creating a Security container |
- Create at theroot of the eDirectory tree
Creating a SAS service object |
- Supervisor onthe object's container
- Write to the attribue SAS:Service DN onthe server that the object is being created