Consider the following when mapping drives in login scripts in a BCC.
Using the %HOME_DIRECTORY variable (such as map u:=%HOME_DIRECTORY) has been tested and does not work.
When you fail the resource over to the secondary cluster, the %HOME_DIRECTORY variable still resolves to the old volume object, and the map command fails.
Using a temporary environment variable has been tested and does not work.
For example:
Using a false volume object along with ICE and LDIF has been tested and works.
Create a new volume object that references the real volume object.
The Host Server attribute must point to the virtual NCP server in the primary cluster, and the Host Resource Name attribute must specify the name of the volume. This new volume object can be referred to as a volume reference.
All User objects must be modified to have their Home Directory attribute reference the new volume object (volume reference).
Use LDIF and ICE in the NSMI script (SAN Array Mapping Information) area.
This script modifies the new volume reference object and updates the Host Server attribute to point to the virtual NCP server in the secondary cluster.
NOTE:Using LDIF/ICE prevents you from using the NSMI script to control the SAN. If you want to use LDIF/ICE and the NSMI script, you must have two NCF files: one for the SAN, and one for LDIF/ICE. The NSMI script must then call each NCF file separately.
See TID 10057730 for information on modifying the Server Cache Timeout value on the Novell Client.
A sample NSMI script is included below:
#!ICE -b -D LDAP -d cn=root,ou=servers,o=lab -w novell -S LDIF -f #@ -s0 -w20 version: 1 dn: cn=HOMES_REF, ou=servers,o=lab changetype: modify replace: hostServer hostServer: cn=BCC_CLUSTER_HOMES_SERVER,ou=From_BCCP,ou=servers,o=lab
The first line in the sample script instructs NSMI to run the ICE utility.
The -b parameter automatically closes the ICE window.
The -d parameter is the administrator DN that is used to modify eDirectory.
The -w parameter is the password.
There must be a trailing space after the -f parameter.
The second line in the sample script includes NSMI-specific options.
-s0 causes NSMI to not wait for a signal file.
-w20 causes NSMI to wait 20 seconds before proceeding
Failure to add the wait causes the temporary LDIF file to be deleted before ICE can read it. This causes ICE to fail.