Log files are located in the ./identity_audit/log directory. There are logs for Identity Audit and the ActiveMQ* message bus, PostgreSQL database, JasperReports server, and Tomcat Web server. Most of the logs are numbered because they rotate.
Table A-1 Log Files in Identity Audit
The following logging settings can be changed in the config/server_log.prop file:
esecurity.ccs.comp.reporting.jasper=ALL (reporting)
com.novell.reports.jasper=ALL (reporting)
esecurity.ccs.comp.scheduler.level=ALL (report scheduling)
esecurity.ccs.comp.textsearch.level=ALL (searching)
The following logging settings can be changed in the 3rdparty/tomcat/conf/logging.properties file:
com.novell.sentinel.scout.server.level=ALL (this is equivalent to the previous two settings)